Our Partners

Sun Flower is Experienced With Various Government and Nongovernment Institution (i.e. Partners)

# Name of Donor Projects Duration
1. OXFAM GB Social Education Services March 1987 to April 1988
2. BPHC Health and Family Planning March 1988 to December 2000
3. Proshika NAOW January 1998 to December 2000
4. OXFAM GB NFPE January 1990 to December 1995
5. CCDB Dhaka Adult Education January 1994 to December 1997
6. CARE-DFID SHABGE & GO-Interfish January 2000 to December 2005
7. BRAC NFPE January 2003 to December 2005
8. PAB Dhaka Capacity Buildup and Enterprise Development March 2004 to December 2012
9. PSTC Dhaka Health Rights Project August 2004 to December 2012
10. DFID-SAMATA LAND Project January 2004 to December 2012
11. TDC Child Right Protection January 2004 to Till